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During important conversations, in order to absorb what others are saying, you must be an active listener first.

You need to pay close attention to the speaker’s ideas, concerns, arguments or frustrations before thinking of your response.

Active listening allows you to take the speaker’s perspective, not yours into account. When you hear the other person’s perspective, only then can you take the information, analyze it and respond in a way that lets the speaker know you have a clear understanding of what was said and an effective conversation can continue to take place.

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A study that surveyed nine years of employee hiring and firing at Google showed that over that time, the company found that most of the firings were of people equipped with sufficient hard skills, such as business and technical knowledge, and that those with a good command of soft skills tended to stay and be promoted.

How are your communication soft skills including active listening, public speaking, and assertiveness skills?

Could you benefit from individual coaching in these areas? Let’s connect and see how I can help.

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LinkedIn identified the soft skills companies need most. Regardless of industry, communication ranked as #2.

Communication skills allow people to work together more efficiently and effectively because they understand each other.

Would improving your soft skills possibly lead to a promotion, make you feel more comfortable speaking up in difficult conversations, or help you feel more comfortable giving a speech? Let’s connect and see how I can help.