“I know I’m the expert on my topic. I’ve worked hard on the design and practiced my delivery, but I always think before presenting, what if..?”
After hearing this from a new client of mine I asked her why she felt the “what if ” syndrome? Her reply was, “I don’t know. I just always feel this way.”
What about you? After you have designed and practiced your delivery of a presentation, do the “what if’s” begin to creep in?
The “what if” syndrome is a certain way to sabotage the success of your presentation, cause unnecessary anxiety, and cause you to second guess your presentation skills to make a successful presentation.
When preparing your next presentation, I invite you to ask yourself:
- Do I have a clear objective for my presentation? In other words, have I answered the question, what do I want my audience to DO, not think, as a result of it?
- Have I done an in-depth audience analysis audit to ensure my presentation is focused on my audience’s needs and wants and not what I think they want or need to know?
- Have I added stories, examples, or analogies that support my main ideas which will keep my audience interested?
- Do I have an attention-getting opening that does NOT begin with “Thank you for having me speak to you,” and a closing that shows your audience you’ve come full circle?
These are just a few questions that need to be answered “yes” in order for you to eliminate the “what if’s” from your mind.
In my book “Loud and Clear: How to Prepare and Deliver Effective Business and Technical Presentations”, there’s a six-step process, when diligently followed ensures your success in designing and delivering an effective presentation that will get you the results you want and your audience will feel it’s been worth their time listening to you.
Loud and Clear’s practical step by step process has helped over a quarter of a million people present their message with confidence, clarity, and connection.
Check out the blog post on my website to see the six steps explained in detail.
And now the rest of my client’s story. After we worked through the Loud and Clear Six-Step process, my client delivered her next presentation without the “what if’s” but now she says, “It’s showtime!”
If you’d like more information about the Loud and Clear Six-Step Process and my coaching program, let’s connect! wendy@smartalkers.com.