“Strive not to be a success, but rather of value.” -Albert Einstein
When designing your presentation and asking yourself “How can I make this a success?” the answer is simple. Bring value to your audience. Spend time with your audience analysis audit before finalizing your content.
A few questions from the Audience Analysis Audit found in my book Loud and Clear: How to Design and Deliver Effective Business and Technical Presentations will help you get into the minds of your audience so, at the end of your presentation, your audience will feel it’s been worth their time listening to you.
Here are just a few:
- Identify your audience’s expected benefits and positive outcomes. What will they want to have happen, learn, or change as a result of your presentation?
- What are their opinions about you or the organization you represent?
- How willing are the members of this audience to accept the ideas you will present?
Spending time thinking about what your audience wants to hear from you, what value will you bring to them through your presentation will ultimately bring the success you may have initially been striving for. Value first, then success.
Would you like to know more about the power of the audience analysis audit found in my book? Let’s talk.
Public speaking and communication skills are the primary skills SmarTalkers can provide through our coaching and training opportunities. Visit our website www.smartalkers.com or contact Wendy Warman: wendy@smartalkers.com for more information.